Thursday, September 13, 2007

Global warming alarmists really grasping at straws now!

Come on... we're supposed to take these people serious? A news story about the latest way for us to "slow down global warming" is breaking right now. What's this latest scam?

"Cutting down consumption of meat and dairy products could slow down the pace of climate change."

You have got to be kidding. A medical journal called The Lancet has printed a story claiming that the world's growing appetite for meat is increasing greenhouse gas emissions as rain forests get bulldozed so cattle can be raised.

These "scientists" are calling for people living in "wealthy countries" to cut their meat consumption in half over the next forty years. And doing that will save the planet?! Geez.

I've got a brilliant idea for the birds over at The Lancet - let's cut the earth's population by 80% and we can then solve the global warming problem. Or will we? Nobody knows because nobody can prove it either way. What would these "scientists" have been writing as the world plunged into its last ice age? Or when it came out of it?

Has anyone disproved the possibility that this so-called climate change is just another shift in temperature that has occurred more times than anyone knows over the past zillion years?!





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