Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Proud to be a member of the Royal Canadian Legion!

After more than a decade of fighting for veterans' rights and their general well-being, I am proud to have been asked to join the Legion. Just before Christmas a member of the Bells Corners branch (#593) approached me to see if I might consider joining. The stated reason was so I could try out for various sports teams - I came out of retirement from bowling last September - but it could/would mean much more for me.

My work for veterans could be taken to the next level. I have always felt that the men and women who fought for Canada deserved much more than they had received in the decades that followed their return to the homeland. Over and above that, several members of my family fought in various conflicts. My grandfather fought in World War I.

I have always been told to sit quietly and observe a little before speaking up or jumping when joining a new organization. Mere days after the general meeting that saw me initiated into branch #593 did someone come over and ask what I might be interested in doing. I had already volunteered to be one of six branch representatives at a Heart Institute telethon (many members of my family have been in and out of that facility) but it seems that I won't have to wait a few months before becoming active.

They are very nice people and I'm sure they're happy to see a pair of younger hands floating about. I hope to help out here and there and give a little something back. Who knows where this road will lead?!


At 9:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Начиная с пятнадцатого столетия Россия стала проверять рукописные документы на подлинность. Откуда и берет своё зарождение независимая экспертиза Российского государство[url=].[/url]На протяжении многих лет система независимой экспертизы совершенствуется и укрепляется. Силовым структурам неприемлемо обозрит то[url=],[/url] как в современном мире работать без экспертов, в той или иной области. Однако появилось возможность рядовым гражданам пользоваться услугами независимых экспертов в любой области и это надо сказать дает прекрасный результат. Понятно без целенаправленного, верного подхода к делу можно потерять немало денег. Мы помогаем клиенту, как заработать, так и сэкономить его финансовые средства, оказывая профессиональную помощь. Каждый из сотрудников Эксперт Групп имеет несколько лет практики это говорит о хорошей подготовке кадров, что очень важно. Мы предлагаем почти все виды независимых экспертиз, которые существуют на сегодняшний день.


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