When is a murder charge NOT shocking?
Today's article in the Ottawa Sun about Stephanie Young was so typical of so many others that have come before it. The "girl" accused of killing a fellow human being on Saturday night is being depicted as a happy-go-lucky person who nobody would ever have thought was capable of committing such a heinous act.
Young is described as someone who enjoys snowboarding, playing soccer and a lover of the Ottawa Senators. She is said to be feeling "very badly about what happened". So? Ask Tammy Couture's friends and relatives about how concerned they are about poor Stephanie being so torn up about what she did on Saturday.
Sure, our pathetic justice system wants to see remorse. Our judicial system seems to provide convicts more benefits and support that it gives to victims and their families. So why should we be torn up about how this "poor 18-year-old" feels the morning after she murdered someone?
Every single time this happens someone is interviewed and says something like "I didn't think she was somebody who would do that." Just last week, the man who killed three family members before taking the coward's way out and blowing his own brains out was described as being nice and quiet. Is there anyone out there who would stand up and say "I was just waiting for Johnnie to kill his family, it was just a matter of time" when asked by a reporter?
Of course not.
So here we go... the spin has started. Poor Stephanie Young, the girl who loved snowboarding, playing soccer and was planning to get married in a few years is about to be painted as being the victim. Her friend Brandi Leduc says in the Sun today that "She would never hurt anybody because she wasn't like that" - well guess what... she IS someone like that now. She might have always been there for you in the past, Brandi, but aren't you happy you didn't cross her?
I must commend the Ottawa Sun for having the editorial intestinal fortitude to print a quote from someone who said that they never really liked the accused because of her tendency to start problems. That doesn't happen very often.
November 24th became a tragic day for someone in Ottawa... but not for Stephanie Young. She's not the victim here. It's Tammy Couture, her friends and family whose weekend went to hell in that one moment where Stephanie Young (oh yeah, allegedly) stabbed and killed her. True, it's never a good thing for the accused, but let's not try to paint her as being some poor martyr who would take it all back, if only she could.
She can't.