Friday, October 01, 2010

Good bye Primus... pretty much!

A follow-up to the never ending saga of my adventures with Primus Canada: when I "settled" the whole modem return issue a while back, resulting in yet another credit (which ran out this month) and my being given 400 AirMiles to placate me, I decided that I would terminate my relationship with Primus as much as I could, as soon as I could.

So... earlier this week I called Rogers and got myself set up with them for a high speed cable internet account. It took a few minutes to confirm that my existing cable service combined with the high speed internet would cost about ten to fifteen dollars more a month than I was paying for cable only. A confirmation e-mail a few minutes after the phone conversation ended "put on paper" the elements of the discussion most important to me - financial and date-related terms.

That was easy.

Just now I called Primus and asked to downgrade my DSL account to their cheapest dial-up account so I can maintain/phase out the e-mail address I've been using since 1996. Despite a few hiccups, likely due to the fact the person I spoke with likely had English as a second language, it looks like I have succeeded in getting them to understand my request and put the wheels into motion. Time will tell if this might be the first time Primus actually gets something right after being asked.

I will never, never, never again sign up for anything named Primus ever again - and no one ever should. Customer service is NOT their forte... and their DSL service seems to be unimproved in 2010 as compared to the late 1990's - in spite of developments in technology over MORE THAN A DECADE!

It's the end of an era - anyone care to join me in a celebration?


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