Friday, August 14, 2009

Oh boy - court says we MUST bring Khadr back!

Bleeding hearts rejoice - "accused" terrorist Omar Khadr must be repatriated. One must love our court system. Can't we repatriate and DEPORT? If scum decides to commit illegal act on foreign soil, shouldn't we let the foreign country deal with said scum? Apparently not.

Come on back "home" little Omar... apparently we want you here. O Canada. Who, again, stands on guard for us? Not our court system, evidently. Oh yeah, I know, bleeding hearts, he was born here. But what was he doing in Afghanistan shooting it out with the US Army, lobbing grenades at a medic? But he's a mis-understood angel. Right.

Would we have been so quick to jump to the defence of the "Canadian" son of a Nazi who had flown to Europe and fight against his country's allies in World War II? Somehow, I don't think so. That is why I am having such a hard time understanding why any Canadian would so adamantly support the concept of bringing an "accused" terrorist, the prodigal son of such a great Canadian family.

I know we can't deport the guy, but must we spend hundreds of thousands if not into the millions of dollars to bring this model citizen back?

We have much more important things to do with our tax dollars. Fortunately, it looks like the federal government will die trying to ensure justice for all. When did "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" see an untimely death? Surely this would be a shining example of this old adage.

Come on, Prime Minister Harper - appeal this decision to the Supreme Court!


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