Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Garth Turner to join the Liberal Party of Canada?!

Say it isn't so, Garth.

How can any self-respecting small or big "C" conservative entertain the idea of joining the ranks of the Liberal Party of Canada? More importantly, how can someone who sits on the right side of the political spectrum entertain joining the ranks of a caucus led by a person who aspires to lead from the far left?

Surely Mr. Turner has very little in common ideologically with Stephane Dion - if he was unable to live with himself as a member of Stephen Harper's minority government, how can he believe that the could successfully integrate himself into the very party he has bitterly fought for decades? Based on what I've read on Garth Turner's blog in recent months it just doesn't make sense that he would make a move such as this.

I see that "scheduled system maintenance" has disabled Mr. Turner's site that has appeared to survive massive hit counts in the past. In its current "static form" any interactive tool the site possessed has been rendered inactive until service is restored. Any bets that the site is being changed to reflect a possible new reality that soon awaits Mr. Turner's constituents?

Could Mr. Turner ever have been labeled a "red tory"? I don't think so. If that turns out to be the case, how can he wake up one morning after years as a conservative and decide that joining a party with an unproven leader who seems to be a one trick pony (everything seems to tie back to the environment with Mr. Dion, according to numerous reports I read yesterday) who will sit squarely on the far left if given the opportunity to govern?

When I was a member of the Liberal Party of Canada I could not wait for the party to take a slight turn to the right after years of straying from the centre. Paul Martin was the person I and thousands of others were led to believe would make that turn. He failed as a leader and disappeared faster than he could recite his oath of office.

I have been inactive on the political front for six years now and cannot see myself being enticed to get back on board given where Mr. Dion will likely lead his party. If I could not fathom the idea, it should be unthinkable that someone like Garth Turner would.

Again, say it isn't so, Mr. Turner. Here's hoping the news reports are nothing more than false rumours. Time will tell.


At 7:01 AM, Blogger samyuktha said...

The reason I switched to a static site generator was so I can upload blogs to my company’s site more quickly. INK for ALL's export feature made for Hugo has absolutely helped us achieve this goal: http://bit.ly/2ECXoDa


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