Friday, January 18, 2008

Out of the fog into a brave, new world...

It's been almost a month since my last post... a span of time I have not let go by before. My father asked me why I've made it look like I've fallen off the face of the planet, so it's time to get "back on the horse" - I certainly have not lost my critical eye when it comes to current or municipal affairs.

What has been going on? The holidays, for one, and what might be viewed by some as a sudden change in career. The time spent as a senior administrator for a local non-profit organization came to an end shortly after the new year rolled around. At this very moment, I am in training for a communications position in a local law enforcement organization. Today marks the end of my first week of training - and while I've been a fan of Law & Order or CSI over the years, or while I've had a marked interest and basic curiosity about everything police-related, nothing I had experienced prior to this week could have prepared me for the onslaught of information I would come across in my first days.

Don't get me wrong - it's fun... and there isn't one un-interesting moment, but the comfort associated with being in a position for twelve years gets tossed out the window when you revert to rookie status in a field that is completely foreign as far as your background experience is concerned.

So... I'm working on a couple posts right now, the first of which will be on the subject of the City of Ottawa parking fiasco in which we seem to be embroiled at the moment. I wrote not too long ago that budget decisions made in relative isolation in November are far too easy to make - and Councillors don't seem to keep this in mind when they quickly vote on something without contemplating the potential ramifications and consequences. I could go on, but I'd rather do so in a separate post in a day or so.

It's been a whirlwind 4 weeks... I'm settling in and am looking forward to facing whatever is coming.


At 8:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome back!


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