When will Liberal Party of Canada leaders smarten up?!
We've been told over and over again that Michael Ignatieff is some great intellectual, possibly one of the ten smartest people in the world. If that is the case, what could possibly have possessed him to utter this ridiculous statement:
"Bloc MPs are duly elected by Québec voters. They are not traitors, they are not the enemies of Canada."
This quote appeared in Le Devoir in Montreal today. Bloc MPs, their leader and any candidates or staffers are not "enemies of Canada"? Their sole reason to exist is to separate Quebec from Canada. To break Canada up. What part of that could possibly make them "friends" of Canada?
If you're not with me, you're against me. If you want to break up my country, you're a traitor.
Not according to His Saviour Michael Ignatieff, you aren't.
Why not just fold up the Liberal Party of Canada and put it to rest once and for all? Canadians laughed Stephane Dion out of a job due to his ineptness and Liberal MPs picked Ignatieff to lead because he was a big step up in the brain department.
Step up? Smarten up, Michael - you won't win the hearts of western or eastern Canada voters making idiotic statements like that. It wasn't too long ago people advocating to break up a country were accused of treason. Death was a popular penalty for committing that crime. The big and evil United States of America would not allow a political party like the Bloc Quebecois to exist - not with its self-proclaimed mandate.
Why do we? Oh yeah - we don't want to offend the poor Quebeckers. Well if they want to break up my country (the separatists, that is) they ARE traitors. Each and every one of them.
I'm sure that some people who were willing to lend their support to the Liberal party to get the "evil" or "scary" Stephen Harper out of office in the next election will have yet another reason to give it a second thought and walk... no run away from voting for an intellectual "leader" who clearly is completely clueless.
bulldog31.blogspot.com; You saved my day again.
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