Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Red Sox fan in NYC should go down in history - not to jail!

The New York Yankees are currently building a new stadium. It's due to open next year. A story aired on CTV Newsnet a few moments ago and it left me shaking my head. I think this world of ours has just gotten way too serious for its own good in recent years.

A construction worker had been rumoured to have buried a Boston Red Sox jersey, presumably while pouring concrete some time ago, as an attempt to start a new curse - one that would haunt the New York Yankees, sort of in revenge for the curse that menaced Sox fans after Babe Ruth was traded to the hated Bronx Bombers.

As an Ottawa Senators fan, I see this sort of prank as being positively brilliant... perhaps a thousand times more impressive than had someone buried Toronto Maple Leafs memorabilia in the foundation of the Palladium, new home of the Ottawa Senators built in the mid-1990's. I hate the leafs as much as Yankees fans hate the Red Sox (and vice versa), and as a consequence can really appreciate the irony and fantastic amount of planning (and intestinal fortitude) that this construction worker had put into executing his plan.

This story had unimaginable legs. Members of the media were present after the culprit was identified and possible burial ground was (presumably) forcefully extracted from the nasty soul who dared soil the sacred new-Yankee-grounds-to-be. Sure enough, jackhammers eventually unearthed a David Ortiz jersey. According to the CTV story, officials are actually looking into whether or not the construction worker should face CRIMINAL CHARGES.

Come on...

Should this guy be hated by Yankee fans just like the male who interfered at a Chicago Cubs game a few years back, resulting in the Cubs losing a chance at going to the Big Show known as the World Series? Absolutely, maybe more. Should Boston fans hoist this guy up on a pedestal for a day or a few weeks for pulling off an unimaginable caper - where nobody got hurt?

You bet. Nobody got hurt. It's funny. HAHAHAHA...

I'm going to see if I can keep track of this story in the days and weeks to come. If he does end up facing criminal charges, I'm going to look for a Boston group that I'm sure will happily build a defence fund for the pour soul. I'll send twenty bucks!! If he's a construction worker living in or near the Bronx, he'll likely need it. Lawyers don't come cheap, and he'll need a good one if a District Attorney is stupid enough to lay a charge.

Is this the ultimate rival sports team prank? I don't know - but it sure is way up there... and it should end up being a chapter in the history books of both teams and Major League Baseball. Not the epitaph on the gravestone of one man's professional career.

Way to go Gino Castignoli - you have impressed this Canadian baseball fan!


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